Poker Face

Monday, December 15, 2008

Work + Forest + Animals = Happiness

cant imagine my life without being near to nature
i feel like incomplete..
sounds poyo? exxagerate?
believe it ..its true
am so content with my job now.. minus the politics (everywhere also same aite?)
i cant put into words how i feel every morning coming to work
frankly..i look forward to go to work-which sounds so untrue
its true!
come here people if you doubt it
the entrance is moderate.. not a 2milion gate or gerbang
the road is not made from gold.. but the surroundings.. precious!
big trees standing tall welcoming you in-though sometimes i feel bersalah bring carbon monoxide to the area..but cant help it -for now (my office quite far inside)
the air?.. u cant get it elsewhere in kuala lumpur.. or maybe its only what my brain thinks-i dont care.. at 8am in the morning u cant get the same feeling of fresh air and peace at any other site of KL trust me..
this place is where i belong..
though some1 so glamorous onced said - 'owh, tak glamour la eh keje kat situ'
like i care.. all i know im contributing something to nature.. so againts anthropocentric + 100% consequentialist.. at least pls.. be a deontologist (all ethics!)
you all afraid to die from natural disaster..but r u doing something?-
wake up people...-i dunt want to start anything here.. think yourself what u willingly do
and 1 more.. if u hit a cat or dog or even a squirrel, pls don just let them lie there.. smashed by others vehicle.. have some mercy.. move them aside , bury them is better..
am i crazy n getting so poyo?
i am not only a preacher, swear!
hoping for a better day and life



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