Poker Face

Thursday, January 15, 2009

simple but un-aware

we live..a life
with not only ourselves..but with other human beings
interaction type: communication
this is basic...
there are rules in everything we do.. not to forget
those two are d least we have to have before initiate any communication
without it
its either someone will later got so pissed off or hurt or walk away
this is important especially when we are changing ideas or in the process of giving opinion
we are not allowed (unwritten rules) to condemn straight away or quickly tell other person to do what you want/think
conversation / discussion should be like 'membina'
then if its not.. what is it for ?
human: not perfect and some are not trying to realize and even more worse dunt want to
life : is so beautiful when we live it normally
but fix definition of 'normal'


Saturday, January 3, 2009


owh what a dugaan for me.. 2009 is just started
1- my car buat hal..3 mechanics cant figure it out
2- my laptop-not genuine windows..S**t!-lots of error
3- my proposal need some more alterations.. i want d money asap!

semuanye dtg sekaligus hempap...adeh adeh
feels like theres not enuf air to breath...
so sad so sad....
thank God i dun hv any prob with my social life aka with other human being..
if i do hv..mati masuk lubang la..
thank you all for always be there whenever i call...

ape2 pun... i need to kumpul back all my semangat n stand up!


new year!! 2009

currently listeing to : Matt White-Love

New year resolutions? hehehe
1- berusaha gigih at work -married to my work? lol!
2- menjadi seorg yg lebih tenang + kurang kn fikir aka worries
3- love myself more
4- etc..

wishing everyone good luck in everything you do and hoping the world's economy will get better asap..

anyone who had commented my post (in this blog) thanks alot,, do appeciate it very much..
i am having a minor problem.. but dont worry as i know there is still u guys around me

peace n love!

